Awwww! My good friend asked me to take her family portrait (minus mom and dad) as a gift for her mom's birthday. Seeing as Jill happens to be super awesome, I said yes.
Jill with her hubby and their labs.
Her siblings (three brothers!) joined in on the shot. (Too bad it's a bit blown out) :(
Lucky for me, the clan was all about candid shots :)
Jill is the boss. She makes a great teacher!
On three, ready? Onetwothree!
Can you tell they were all in track?
We still had some time for some poses, though.
This was when they told me they felt like they were in a JCPenney Catalog.
There's an abandoned school house by their home, so we used it as a backdrop. My first attempt at textures was a minor FAIL.
Second attempt, not so bad, but I couldn't get the texture to show up without having faceless people.
And the only ones that didn't make it to Flickr were the jumping ones, and you'll just have to take my word that they were cool.
Thank you, Pfeffers and Hupps. You were super-mega-cool, and I loved taking your pictures.
So yesterday, I had the joy of shooting my first wedding...which means today, I haven't done a darn think except load pictures and edit them. I have come to the realization that we need a new computer, though. Andy's pretty excited.
So here are some of the photos I've been working on. BTW, (in case you haven't already noticed) for some reason, my blog template cuts of a good 1/10 of the right side of all of my lanscape pictures. Drat. So if you want to see the whole picture, clicking directly on the photo should link you to my flickr site.
Meet Lesley.
Her MoH is a former model.
And her BM was a cutie!
The ceremony was beautiful. (The lucky man's name is Ed)
And the bubbles were a blast!
Mmmm. I love cake.
The reception hall was gorgeous...overlooking the Scioto River.
And we went to my alma mater for some fun post-ceremony pictures.
Total, I took over 2500 pictures. I almost used up an entire 8GB memory card.
Don't worry: Stella and Rufus did not feel neglected. Andy stayed home and cuddled with the PS3 controller and (Matt &) Winnie came over to visit Rufus.
So, I got another photography job set up for today (yay me!), and I know I'm going to want to post pictures. I feel bad taking the limelight away from Stella and Rufus on their blog, so I set up this one. More pictures are available at